Comfrey li chiv: Manure production, application and more

Cov txheej txheem:

Comfrey li chiv: Manure production, application and more
Comfrey li chiv: Manure production, application and more

Xwm nws tus kheej yog cov lus qhia zoo tshaj plaws thiab thaum nws los txog rau chiv. Comfrey zoo li yog ib tsob nroj zoo meej rau kev ua koj tus kheej chiv. Koj tuaj yeem paub seb qhov no ua haujlwm li cas thiab txhua yam ntxiv txog kev siv nws li cas hauv qab no.


Yuav ua li cas ua chiv los ntawm comfrey?

Tau ua comfrey manure,leavesthiabstemsntawm cov nroj tsuag tau sau,crushed thiab tom qab ntawd hauv lub nkoj loj sib xyaw 1:10 nrogdejTom qab 10 mus rau 20 hnub fermentation theem, comfrey manure yuav strained thiab siv, piv txwv li, diluted nyob rau hauv irrigation dej.

Vim li cas cov chiv ua los ntawm comfrey muaj txiaj ntsig?

Ib tug chiv uas muaj cov tshuaj comfrey yognqi-zoo,ib puag ncig phooj ywgthiab heevnutrient. Cov chiv no muaj, ntawm lwm yam, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium thiab silicon. Nws ntxiv dag zog rau cov ntaub so ntswg ntawm cov nroj tsuag fertilized thiab txhawb lawv flowering, txiv hmab txiv ntoo, tuber thiab paus tsim.

Kuv yuav tsum tau ua chiv los ntawm comfrey?

Txhawm rau ua chiv los ntawm comfrey, koj yuav xav tau

nplooj thiabstems ntawm cov nroj tsuag. Tsuas txiav lawv tawm thaum Symphytum tau loj hlob txaus thiab twb muaj ntau ntau.

Thaum twg kuv txiav cov nplooj thiab stems ntawm lub comfrey?

Lub sijhawm zoo tshaj plaws kom tau txais cov khoom cog los ntawm comfrey yog nyob rau hauvlub caij ntuj sov tom qab flowering. Ces lub comfrey loj txaus. Tom qab txiav, cov nroj tsuag yuav yov dua thiab koj tuaj yeem sau nws dua tom qab yog tias tsim nyog.

Yuav ua li cas ua chiv los ntawm comfrey?

Cov nplooj thiab stems ntawm comfrey yog thawj zaugshreddedthiab ces muab tso rau hauv ib lubmetal-free thawv xws li lub thoob yas nrog muaj peev xwm ntawm 10 litres muab. Lub thoob yuav tsum yog 2/3 puv nrog comfrey. Tom qab ntawd sau lub thoob nrog dej (cov dej nag yog qhov zoo tagnrho) thiab do tag nrho cov khoom. Tam sim no lub fertilizer batch tsuas yog yuav tsum tau sab laug rau ferment. Tsis pub dhau 10 mus rau 20 hnub cov slurry yuav tsim.

Dab tsi yog qhov tseem ceeb thaum lub sij hawm fermentation ntawm comfrey?

Yog li kom tsis muaj kab ploj hauv cov quav, nws yog ib qho tsim nyog yuav tsum npog lub thawv nrog ntaub, nplua-mesh net lossis lub hau xoob. Koj yuav tsum taudo cov sib tov txhua 3 mus rau 4 hnub (tsis muaj hlau).

Rau cov nroj tsuag twg yog comfrey chiv haum?

Comfrey chiv tshwj xeeb yog tsim rauhnyav feeders. Yog li ntawd nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb rau zaub xws li txiv lws suav, kua txob, dib, zucchini thiab taub dag, rau berries, tab sis kuj rau tag nrho cov ntoo thiab bushes. Txawm tias koj cov roses zoo siab rau comfrey quav.

Kuv yuav siv comfrey chiv li cas?

Cov comfrey quav yuav tsum tau diluted1:10 nrog dej yog tias koj xav siv nws los dej lossis fertilize koj cov nroj tsuag. Dej ncaj qha mus rau hauv paus cheeb tsam, nyiam dua ib lub lim tiam.


Combine comfrey nrog nettles los yog horsetail

Cov quav yuav tseem ceeb dua yog tias koj tsis tsuas yog cia comfrey ferment, tab sis kuj ntxiv nettles lossis horsetail rau qhov sib tov.

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