Comfrey: Snails tsis ua rau muaj kev hem thawj loj

Cov txheej txheem:

Comfrey: Snails tsis ua rau muaj kev hem thawj loj
Comfrey: Snails tsis ua rau muaj kev hem thawj loj

Nws nyuam qhuav sown thiab pom nws thawj nplooj ob peb hnub dhau los. Tam sim no cov no tau noj tag lawm. Cov kab ntawm slime qhia snails. Lub comfrey puas tseem tau txais kev cawmdim los yog qhov no txhais tau tias nws kawg?

comfrey qwj
comfrey qwj

Puas yog comfrey muaj kev pheej hmoo ntawm raug qwj noj?

Yog snails tsis muaj lwm yam khoom noj uas muag,eatlawvfoodnyiam noj comfreyfullYog cov nroj tsuag twb tsim lawm thiab muaj nplooj nplooj ntau, cesua phemhardlyTxawm hais tias muaj kev puas tsuaj loj, comfrey yuav rov ua dua.

Puas nquab zoo li comfrey?

Snails like comfreytsis yog tshwj xeeb, tab sis tseem yuav noj yog tias tsis muaj lwm cov nroj tsuag tsim nyog rau lawv ua zaub mov. Kev ntxhib los mos ntawm comfrey nplooj thiab cov alkaloids thiab allantoin lawv muaj tsis ua rau qwj lub qhov ncauj dej, tab sis lawv tuaj yeem zam tau ib feem. Txawm li cas los xij, yog tias cov comfrey tau sprouted tshiab, cov ntsiab lus ntawm cov khoom tsis noj qab haus huv tsawg thiab cov qwj pom nws nyiam noj ntau dua.

Koj tuaj yeem siv comfrey los tua cov qwj li cas?

Cia comfrey in the directneighborhoodofcropsuas yogsusceptible to slug damage xws li sunflowers, marigolds, dahlias los yog zinnias. Kev paub qhia tau hais tias snails (tshwj xeeb tshaj yog slugs) raug muab tso tawm los ntawm cov comfrey uas loj hlob tuaj thiab nyiam txav mus ntxiv raws txoj kev tshaj li yav dhau los.

Puas comfrey kam rau snail kev puas tsuaj?

NquagtoleratesSymphytumSnail noj Snails feem ntau noj cov nplooj thiab stems ntawm cov me me, uas tsis muaj teeb meem li cov nroj tsuag. tuag tuaj yeem raug tsav tawm dua tom qab muaj kev tawm tsam los ntawm cov qwj. Nws muaj nws cov hauv paus hniav los ua tsaug rau qhov no, uas txuas mus tob rau hauv av thiab tau khaws lub zog txaus kom rov ua dua.

Koj tuaj yeem tiv thaiv comfrey ntawm cov qwj li cas?

Yog tias koj tau cog comfrey tshwj xeeb thiab tsis xav pom nws ntawm cov ntawv qhia qwj, koj tuaj yeem tsoqwj laj kab ncig lub comfrey. Lwm yam teeb meem xws li xuab zeb, koob ntawm conifers, txiv qaub thiab sawdust kuj tseem tuaj yeem khaws cov qwj kom deb ntawm comfrey.

Kuv tuaj yeem ua li cas nrog cov khoom noj ntawm cov nroj tsuag comfrey?

Koj tuaj yeem txiav cov khoom noj ntawm cov nroj tsuag comfreythiabsiv rau cov quav. Comfrey yog cov chiv zoo heev uas tsim nyog rau ntau lub vaj nroj tsuag.


Nrhiav cov qwj: Saib hauv qab nplooj

Snails zoo li cov nplooj lush ntawm comfrey. Nws cov nplooj loj muab lawv nrog ntxoov ntxoo zoo thiab lawv nyiam so hauv qab lawv ntawm ko taw ntawm comfrey. Yog li yog tias koj tab tom nrhiav qwj, nqa cov nplooj ntawm comfrey thiab saib hauv qab.

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