Qhov twg carnations tawg thaum twg? Cov lus qhia dav dav

Cov txheej txheem:

Qhov twg carnations tawg thaum twg? Cov lus qhia dav dav
Qhov twg carnations tawg thaum twg? Cov lus qhia dav dav

Txawm hais tias nyob rau hauv lub vaj los yog lub sam thiaj, raws li ib tug perennial nyob rau hauv ciam teb txaj los yog hauv av npog: carnations yog cov nroj tsuag nrov vim hais tias ntawm lawv cov paj zoo nkauj thiab lawv cov ntxhiab tsw. Lawv kuj zoo tagnrho raws li cov paj txiav, raws li carnations kav ib lub sij hawm ntev xav tsis thoob hauv lub vase. Txawm li cas los xij, lub sij hawm flowering txawv nyob ntawm seb hom thiab ntau yam ntawm carnation, txawm hais tias muaj ob qho tib si thaum ntxov thiab lig flowering ntau yam.

Thaum twg carnations tawg?
Thaum twg carnations tawg?

Thaum twg yog lub sijhawm paj ntawm carnations?

Lub sij hawm flowering ntawm carnations txawv nyob ntawm seb hom thiab ntau yam, nrog rau qee hom paj los ntawm lub Tsib Hlis mus rau Lub Rau Hli, xws li Whitsun carnation (Dianthus gratianopolitanus), thaum lwm tus, xws li carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus), paj. Los ntawm lub Tsib Hlis mus rau Lub Rau Hli May Bloom nyob rau lub Kaum Hli. Kev saib xyuas tsis tu ncua tuaj yeem txhawb nqa lub paj thib ob.

paj lub sij hawm ntawm ntau hom carnations

Cov ntsiab lus hauv qab no qhia txog lub sijhawm paj sib txawv ntawm ntau hom carnations.

Carnation type Latin lub npe Lub sijhawm paj
Heather Carnation Dianthus deltoides June to September
Whitsun carnation Dianthus gratianopolitanus May to June
Feather Carnation Dianthus plumarius June to July
Carnation Dianthus barbatus May to July
Carthusian carnation Dianthus carthusianorum June to September
Mountain Weevil Dianthus caryophyllus April to October
Suav carnation Dianthus chinensis May to June
Carnation Dianthus caryophyllus May to October
Alpine Carnation Dianthus alpinus June to August
Siberian carnation Dianthus amurensis July to September
Sand Carnation Dianthus arenarius June to August
Fringe Carnation Dianthus spiculiformis May to August
Stemless Carnation Dianthus subacaulis June
Magnificent Carnation Dianthus superbus June to September
Stone Carnation Dianthus sylvestris June to September

Txhawb nqa carnations kom tawg zaum ob

Cov hom kab lev tshwj xeeb yuav tsum tau txiav rov qab tom qab paj. Ntawm qhov tod tes, qhov no ua rau cov cheeb tsam overgrown zoo li tidier lossis thicker, thiab ntawm qhov tod tes, lawv txhawb qee yam kom tawg zaum ob. Nrog rau qhov hu ua kho pruning, koj tsuas yog tshem tawm tag nrho cov tua tuag, txawm hais tias cov nplooj yog sab laug, tshwj tsis yog tias nws tau withered. Koj tseem tuaj yeem txhawb nqa rov qab los ntawm kev muab cov txiav carnations nrog me ntsis kua ua tiav chiv (€ 18.00 ntawm Amazon). Muaj ntau ntau hom remontant, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog Pentecost carnations thiab lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav carnations.


Ib qho txawv ntawm carnation, qhov tsis tshua muaj Dianthus superbus var. autumnalis, blooms tshwj xeeb lig.

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