Moss tswj ntawm pavement: Environmentally friendly and effective

Cov txheej txheem:

Moss tswj ntawm pavement: Environmentally friendly and effective
Moss tswj ntawm pavement: Environmentally friendly and effective

Yog tias cov pob zeb paving tau npog nrog moss, qhov zoo khaws cia zoo yuav cuam tshuam. Yog hais tias lub terrace yog nyob rau hauv ib tug shady, damp qhov chaw, nws kuj tsis tseg los ntawm ntsuab patina. Tshawb nrhiav ntawm no yuav ua li cas koj tuaj yeem ua tiav tshem cov moss ntawm pob zeb siv txhais tau tias ntuj.

Sib ntaus moss nrog pavement
Sib ntaus moss nrog pavement

Yuav ua li cas tshem moss ntawm paving pob zeb?

Txhawm rau tshem tawm cov moss ntawm cov pob zeb paving, cov tshuaj hauv tsev xws li dej qab zib, poov tshuaj permanganate, kua cider vinegar lossis cola tuaj yeem siv. Kev tshem tawm ntawm phau ntawv nrog ib lub xov hlau txhuam los yog txhuam txhuam kuj tseem siv tau. Ecological moss tshem tawm xws li AGO Quart lossis Compo Bio Moss-dawb kuj tseem siv tau.

Moss tshem tawm ntawm chav ua noj - cov lus qhia ntawm cov pov thawj hauv tsev

Siv tshuaj tau ntev lawm frowned nyob rau hauv ib puag ncig thiab noj qab haus huv cov tsev neeg. Yog li ntawd, lub hom phiaj yog nyob rau hauv classic tsev kho mob kom tshem tawm cov annoying thiab slippery moss los ntawm pob zeb. Koj tuaj yeem siv cov moss tshem tawm hauv qab no ncaj qha, vim lawv yog ib feem ntawm cov khoom siv yooj yim ntawm txhua chav ua noj txee:

  • Dissolve 20 g ntawm dej qab zib nyob rau hauv 10 l ntawm boiling dej, kis rau ntawm paving pob zeb thiab tawm mus ua hauj lwm rau ob peb hnub
  • Do 15 g ntawm poov tshuaj permanganate rau hauv 10 l dej, tsuag rau ntawm moss pob zeb thiab txhuam tawm tom qab 5 teev
  • Thov kua txiv apple cider vinegar rau ntawm lub patio lossis paving pob zeb, tawm rau 24 teev thiab txhuam tawm
  • Txau cov cola uas tsis muaj tshuaj lom rau thaj chaw me me, tawm mus ua ob peb hnub thiab cheb cov moss tuag

Cov lus pom zoo hauv chav ua noj moss killers ua haujlwm tau zoo dua qhov lawv tau siv ntau dua. Raws li ib txwm muaj rau txhua qhov kev kho mob hauv tsev, ib daim ntawv thov feem ntau tsis txaus. Tsis txhob cia qhov no ua rau koj tsis meej pem. Hloov chaw, rov ua daim ntawv thov kom txog thaum koj tau tshem tag nrho cov moss ntawm lub pob zeb thiab terrace.

Tshem cov moss nrog lub luj tshib roj - Yuav ua li cas

Nws yog qhov tsis lees paub qhov tseeb tias paving ua los ntawm cov pob zeb ntuj thiab cov pob zeb ua rau muaj kev cuam tshuam rau kev ua haujlwm nrog txhua yam kua. Es tsis txhob siv cov moss killer uas hnyav dhau thiab ua rau muaj kev phom sij ntau dua li qhov zoo, tshem cov moss ntawm tes tau zoo thiab tsis muaj kev pheej hmoo. Qhov no yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws nrog txhuam txhuam los yog txhuam txhuam thaum moss ntub.

Tua cov tshuaj ntxuav siab thiab cov khoom siv cua sov qab

Tsis txhob tua cov moss ntawm koj lub patio lossis txoj kev taug kev nrog lub tshuab nqus tsev siab lossis cov nplaim taws. Xws li kev tswj hwm kev phem tsuas yog tshwm sim kom tshem tawm cov txheej ntsuab ntawm pob zeb. Qhov tseeb, qhov saum npoo yog cuam tshuam rau cov tiam tom ntej ntawm moss muaj lub sijhawm yooj yim ntawm nws thiab kis tau txawm tias tawv ncauj.

Ecological moss killers los ntawm lub khw ntawm ib nrais muag

Tshem tawm cov moss siv cov tshuaj hauv tsev lossis manually yuav tsum tau ua haujlwm ntau thiab sijhawm. Koj tuaj yeem zam qhov teeb meem no los ntawm kev yuav cov moss tshem tawm nrog cov khoom xyaw ecologically harmless. Cov npe hauv qab no nthuav tawm cov khoom lag luam nrog kev tshuaj xyuas zoo:

Moss Remover Product name Price
Biodegradable Moss Killer AGO Quart 10,90€ rau 500 ml
Tawm tsam moss ntawm pavements thiab lawn Dr. Stähler Moss Killer Moss-Dawb ORGANIC (€ 18.00 ntawm Amazon) 23, 90€ rau 1 l
Tshem cov moss ntawm pob zeb thiab terrace Compo organic moss-free 10,60€ rau 500 ml
Moss tshem tawm raws li acetic acid Celaflor Naturen Moss Free 7,99€ rau 1 l
Environmentally phooj ywg thiab ceev moss remover Natria 3 teev organic weed-free AF 9,90€ rau 500 ml


Yog tias koj tau ua tiav cov moss ntawm cov pob zeb, koj tuaj yeem yooj yim tiv thaiv kab mob ntxiv los ntawm txau cov xuab zeb rau hauv tag nrho cov pob qij txha thiab tawg ntawm cov pob zeb paving. Moss nroj tsuag thiab lwm yam nroj tsuag tuaj yeem nrhiav tsis tau ib qho foothold ntawm nplua, crumbly nto.

Pom zoo: