Canning pears: conjuring li khoom qab zib rau lub caij ntuj no

Cov txheej txheem:

Canning pears: conjuring li khoom qab zib rau lub caij ntuj no
Canning pears: conjuring li khoom qab zib rau lub caij ntuj no

Thaum cov pears pib ripen nyob rau lub caij nplooj zeeg, qhov ntau dai ntawm cov ntoo hauv lub vaj yog feem ntau tswj tsis tau. Txij li thaum pears yog qhov zoo tagnrho rau kev khaws cia, lawv tuaj yeem khaws cia rau hauv cov thawv rau lub caij ntuj no.

pear kaus poom
pear kaus poom

Yuav ua li cas thiaj khaws tau pears?

Pears tuaj yeem khaws cia los ntawm soaking lawv hauv cov khoom qab zib. Siv ripe, undamaged pears; tev, core thiab quarter rau lawv. Sterilize mason jars thiab sau lawv nrog pear pieces thiab qab zib Tshuag. Kev khaws cia tuaj yeem ua tiav hauv lub lauj kaub (90 degrees, 30 feeb) lossis hauv qhov cub (150 degrees, 1 teev).

Wake pears in qab zib stock

Yog tias koj xav khaws koj cov qoob loo pear, nco ntsoov tias koj tsuas yog siv cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo siav xwb, tab sis lawv yuav tsum tsis txhob overripe. Koj yuav tsum tsis txhob siv cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo puas vim nws yuav lwj. Cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo khaws cia ntev li ob peb xyoos hauv lub thawv. Txawm li cas los xij, lawv poob lawv qhov tsw tom qab ib xyoos.

Wake in the kettle

  1. Prepare the pears. Cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo yog tev, cored, halved los yog quartered.
  2. Muab cov txiv pear rau hauv cov dej txiv qaub kom tiv thaiv kom tsis txhob muaj xim thaum lub sijhawm npaj.
  3. Sterilize lub mason jars koj npaj yuav siv.
  4. Ua kua qab zib. 500 g suab thaj yog yaj nyob rau hauv ib liter dej thiab boiled me ntsis. Spices xws li: B. cinnamon stick los yog vanilla pod tuaj yeem ntxiv.
  5. Muab cov pears ze li ua ke rau hauv lub hub thiab hliv cov Tshuag tshaj lawv. Cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo yuav tsum tau npog thiab tseem yuav tsum muaj li ntawm ib centimeter ntawm qhov chaw mus rau sab saum toj ntawm lub khob.
  6. Kaw cov hub nrog hau hau los yog roj hmab rings thiab iav hau.
  7. Tam sim no tsis txhob tso cov tsom iav kom ze rau hauv lub qhov cub.
  8. Teem lub tshuab rau 90 degrees thiab thaum kub mus txog, cov pears xav tau li ib nrab teev ua noj.
  9. Cia lub lauj kaub txias me ntsis, ua tib zoo tshem cov iav thiab cia lawv txias tag hauv qab daim phuam da dej.

Waking in the cub

Yog tias koj tsis muaj lub hwj los yog lub tshuab khaws cia, koj tuaj yeem khaws koj cov pears hauv qhov cub. Npaj pears raws li qhia.

  1. Preheat qhov cub kom 150 degrees.
  2. Muab koj cov iav tso rau hauv lub lauj kaub ntawm lub qhov cub lossis siv lub tais loj, sib sib zog nqus ci.
  3. Tam sim no ntxiv dej kom txog thaum lub tsom iav tob txog ob centimeters hauv dej.
  4. Muab lub lauj kaub tso rau ntawm lub txee nruab nrab ntawm qhov cub.
  5. Cia lub hub boil rau ib teev ntawm 150 degrees.
  6. Tom qab lub sijhawm ua noj ua haus tas lawm, cia cov iav tso rau hauv qhov cub uas hloov tau li ib nrab teev, tom qab ntawd muab cov iav tawm thiab cia txias rau hauv chav ua noj.

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