Wasps in the tree trunk: Kuv yuav tshem lawv li cas?

Cov txheej txheem:

Wasps in the tree trunk: Kuv yuav tshem lawv li cas?
Wasps in the tree trunk: Kuv yuav tshem lawv li cas?

Humming wasps in the tree trunk tsa question concern in the hobby garden. Yog vim li cas waps colonize ib tsob ntoo pob tw? Cov kev xaiv twg muaj rau cov qhua tsis tau caw? Nyeem ntawm no txog cov laj thawj feem ntau rau cov kab mob hauv tsob ntoo nrog cov lus qhia rau kev tiv thaiv maj mam.


Yuav ua li cas nrog wasps nyob rau hauv lub pob tw?

Wasps nyob rau hauv tsob ntoo lub cev feem ntau yog vim qe nteg los yog zes tsev. Kev tiv thaiv maj mam muaj xws li cog tsob ntoo disk nrog cov tshuaj tua kab mob thiab tshem tawm cov hornet zes tso tseg. Txawm li cas los xij, wasps raug tiv thaiv thiab yuav tsum ua tib zoo zam.

Vim li cas thiaj muaj kab nyob hauv tsob ntoo?

Ob qhov laj thawj tshaj plaws rau cov kab mob hauv tsob ntoo yogQe ntegthiabZes tsev Yog tias cov kab mob sib cais nkag mus rau hauv tsob ntoo lub cev, lawv yog ntoo wasps (Siricidae). Cov poj niam tso lawv cov qe rau hauv tsob ntoo uas siv ovipositors thiab tso cov larvae los tiv thaiv lawv tus kheej tau ob mus rau plaub xyoos.

Yog tias tsob ntoo lub cev muaj qhov siab tsaus, hornets feem ntau tuaj ua zes. Tsis tshua muaj heev, cov kab laug sab los yog German wasp tsim nws lub zes nyob rau hauv ib tsob ntoo kab noj hniav.

Yuav ua li cas tiv thaiv kab mob hauv tsob ntoo?

Vim cov quav cab hauv tsob ntoo muaj kev tiv thaiv, koj tuaj yeem zam cov kab lossis maj mam tshem lawv tawm. Cov txheej txheem no ua rau ntshai cov kab mob mus ib txhis:

  • Cia ntoo hlais nrog tshuaj ntsuab xws li lavender (Lavandula), basil (Ocimum basilicum), wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), txiv qaub balm (Melissa officinalis).
  • Ntsuab tsob ntoo lub cev nrog cov kab mob tsis zoo, xws li frankincense (Plectranthus), scented geraniums (Pelargonium crispum) thiab txiv lws suav (Solanum lycopersicum).
  • Sib tua aphids hauv lub vaj kom cov zaub mov honeydew qhuav.

Puas muaj kev tiv thaiv kab mob hauv tsob ntoo?

Ntshai hornet zes rauremovethiab ntoo hollows raukawyog qhov kev tiv thaiv zoo tshaj plaws tiv thaiv kab mob tshiab ntawm wasps hauv tsob ntoo lub cev.

Tus hornet (Vespa crabro) yog tus neeg ua txhaum rov qab uas nyiam ua zes rau tib lub pob tw ntoo tau ntau xyoo. Tau kawg, poj huab tais tsim ib lub zes tshiab hornet txhua xyoo. Cov ntxhiab tsw ntawm cov zes uas tso tseg coj tus poj huab tais hornet nrhiav chaw nyob. Tsis muaj kev tiv thaiv kev tiv thaiv yog qhov tsim nyog rau cov ntoo wasps, vim tias hom kab no tsis sting thiab tsis nyiam cov khoom qab zib.


Nkauj kab ntsig zoo siab txais tos

Parasitic wasps muaj ob peb yam uas ua rau muaj kev ntxhov siab tiag tiag (Vespinae). Parasitic wasps (Ichneumonidae) yog lub duav ntawm lub duav, tsis txhob sting thiab tsis txhob twv peb rau dej qab zib, ncuav mog qab zib lossis dej khov. Hloov chaw, kab mob cab muab lub vaj ntuj nrog kev txhawb nqa muaj zog hauv kev tawm tsam cov kab tsuag. Poj niam parasitic wasps parasitize the qe ntawm npauj, kab laug sab, borers, yoov tshaj cum thiab lwm yam rabble uas roam ncig lub vaj thiab tsev.

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