Kem apple: Ntau yam & cog lus qhia rau koj lub vaj

Cov txheej txheem:

Kem apple: Ntau yam & cog lus qhia rau koj lub vaj
Kem apple: Ntau yam & cog lus qhia rau koj lub vaj

Hnub no lub columnar txiv apple ntau yam tau tsim los ntawm kev xaiv cov txiv apples uas ib txwm loj hlob slim thiab tseem me me. Ob peb xyoos dhau los tsuas muaj ob peb ntau yam, tab sis niaj hnub no kev xaiv yog loj heev: los ntawm lub puab tsaig liab, qab zib kua txiv mus rau qaub kua txiv, zoo li Red Boskoop, koj yuav pom cov kua zoo rau txhua tus saj. Txawm li cas los xij, nco ntsoov cog ob peb tsob ntoo ua ke: columnar txiv apples feem ntau tsis yog tus kheej pollinating.

columnar txiv apples ntau yam
columnar txiv apples ntau yam

Puas yog columnar txiv apples muaj?

Cov txiv apples uas nrov tshaj plaws suav nrog Red River, Redcats, Goldcats, Starcats, Berbat, Black McIntosh, Goldbäckchen, Rhapsody, Jarle, Sonata, Rondo thiab Jucunda. Cov no txawv ntawm qhov siab, xim, lub sij hawm sau, aroma, cia lub neej thiab tshwj xeeb nta xws li robustness thiab kab mob.

Ceev faj thaum yuav: Tsis yog txhua tus ncej txiv apple yeej yog ib qho

Tab sis ua ntej koj zoo siab lob thawj columnar txiv apples ntawm koj lub vaj chaw hauv zos, saib ze ntawm daim ntawv cog lus ua ntej. Tsis yog txhua yam uas hu ua "pillar apple" yeej yog ib qho. Qhov tsis sib xws: Feem ntau, qhov xav tias columnar-loj hlob ntau yam yog ib tsob ntoo txiv apple uas tsuas yog khaws cia los ntawm kev ntsuas pruning. Yog tias koj tsis txiav, nws yuav loj hlob ib txwm thiab tsim ib lub kaus mom. Txawm li cas los xij, koj tuaj yeem paub cov txiv apples tiag tiag los ntawm cov yam ntxwv no:

  • txhob tu siab heev
  • forms tsis muaj los yog tsis tshua muaj sab tua
  • tsuas yog kev txiav me me xwb thiaj tsim nyog
  • Paj thiab txiv hmab txiv ntoo zaum ncaj nraim ntawm lub cev
  • mus txog qhov siab tshaj li ntawm 400 centimeters

Zoo tshaj plaws

Thawj tiam ntawm cov txiv apples tseem hu ua "Ballerina", lawv muaj ntau lub npe seev cev xws li 'Polka', 'Flamenco' lossis 'Bolero'. Niaj hnub no, txawm li cas los xij, cov ntau yam no tsis yog ib qho kev sib tw rau cov hom tshiab ntawm kev saj, kab mob thiab tawm los.

Variety Growth height xim Hloov sij hawm Aroma Storability Special features
Red River 300 - 400 cm red September – October tseem ceeb yog Self-fertile, high-yielding, mushroom-pov thawj
Redcats 300 - 400 cm red Mid to late September sweetsour low robust, tiv taus ntau yam kab mob
Goldcats 300 - 400 cm yellow from mid-September sweetsour yog robust, tiv taus ntau yam kab mob
Starcats 300 - 400 cm xim liab September to December crunchy Sweet thiab qaub yog robust, tiv taus ntau yam kab mob
Berbat 200 - 300 cm red Mid-September to mid-November muab qab zib low robust, rich-bearing
Black McIntosh 300 - 400 cm dub liab Mid-September to end of November juicy, mos low strikingly dark fruit color
Goldencheeks mus txog 300 cm red-daj October crunchy, kua, balanced conditionally txoj kev loj hlob zoo heev
Rhapsody 300 - 400 cm liab-ntsuab October-December finely qaub, juicy yog zoo heev
Jarle 300 - 400 cm red September – November crunchy-sweet yog txiv hmab txiv ntoo hauv thawj xyoo
Sonata 300 - 400 cm red-daj September-November juicy, sweet conditionally Zoo heev
Rondo 300 - 400 cm green-daj September-November ntsuab-sweet, juicy conditionally tiv taus ntau yam kab mob
Jucunda 300 - 400 cm redflamed txij thaum pib lub 10 hli juicy, qaub.-sweet yog scab-resistant


Zoo li tag nrho cov txiv apples, cov txiv ntoo columnar nyiam qhov chaw tshav ntuj. Yog tsob ntoo tsaus dhau lawm ces tsuas tsim tau ob peb lub paj xwb.

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