Gardening 2024, Cuaj hlis

Strawberry ntoo hauv lub vaj: yuav ua li cas cog thiab saib xyuas nws?

Strawberry ntoo hauv lub vaj: yuav ua li cas cog thiab saib xyuas nws?

Strawberry ntoo - Puas yog tsob ntoo strawberry hardy? ✓ Cov txiv pos nphuab puas noj tau? ✓ Txhua yam ntaub ntawv hais txog kev cog qoob loo, sau qoob thiab kev saib xyuas

Cog thiab saib xyuas noog cherry: cov lus qhia rau kev nyiam ua vaj zaub

Cog thiab saib xyuas noog cherry: cov lus qhia rau kev nyiam ua vaj zaub

Cherry Dub - txiv hmab txiv ntoo noj tau los yog lom? ✓ Siv cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo ✓ Txhua yam ntaub ntawv hais txog kev loj hlob thiab kev saib xyuas noog cherry

Loj hlob koj cov txiv laum huab xeeb: cov lus qhia rau lub lauj kaub thiab txaj

Loj hlob koj cov txiv laum huab xeeb: cov lus qhia rau lub lauj kaub thiab txaj

Peanut Plant - Txiv laum huab xeeb nyob qhov twg? ✓ Peanut flowering ✓ Sau txiv laum huab xeeb ✓ Yuav ua li cas cog koj tus txiv laum huab xeeb

Nashi pear: cog, tu thiab siv ib nrais muag

Nashi pear: cog, tu thiab siv ib nrais muag

Nashi pear - Cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo saj li cas? ✓ Profile thiab tswv yim rau kev siv ✓ Txhua yam ntaub ntawv hais txog kev cog qoob loo, kev saib xyuas thiab sau qoob loo

Tshauv maple: lub pov haum rau lub vaj nrog cov lus qhia saib xyuas

Tshauv maple: lub pov haum rau lub vaj nrog cov lus qhia saib xyuas

Tshauv maple - Cov ntaub ntawv tseem ceeb tshaj plaws txog lub cev, ntoo, paj thiab ntau dua ✓ Koj ua li cas txiav cov ntoo tshauv? ✓ Txhua yam koj yuav tsum paub txog kev cog thiab tu

Rattlepot: Wildflower rau cov xim zoo nkauj meadows thiab bumblebees

Rattlepot: Wildflower rau cov xim zoo nkauj meadows thiab bumblebees

Rattlepot - Puas yog paj hav zoov lom lom? ✓ Hom rattlepots twg muaj ntau tshaj? ✓ Cov lus qhia rau tseb hauv tsev

Fascination ntawm brood nplooj: profile, cog thiab saib xyuas

Fascination ntawm brood nplooj: profile, cog thiab saib xyuas

Nplooj nplooj - Cov kab mob Kalanchoe lom li cas? ✓ Ntau yam thiab hom ✓ Txhua yam koj yuav tsum paub txog kev saib xyuas thiab nthuav tawm cov nroj tsuag succulent

Hnub xibtes hauv lub lauj kaub: Cov lus qhia saib xyuas zoo tshaj plaws thiab ua kom yuam kev

Hnub xibtes hauv lub lauj kaub: Cov lus qhia saib xyuas zoo tshaj plaws thiab ua kom yuam kev

Hnub xibtes - Puas nyuaj? ✓ Loj hlob koj tus kheej hnub tim xibtes ✓ Repot, fertilize thiab overwinter lub hnub xibtes ✓ Txhua yam ntaub ntawv hais txog kev saib xyuas

Ua liaj ua teb sawv vs. peony: sib txawv, tu & txiav

Ua liaj ua teb sawv vs. peony: sib txawv, tu & txiav

Cov neeg ua liaj ua teb sawv - qhov txawv ntawm peony ✓ Txiav thiab nthuav tawm ✓ Txhua yam ntaub ntawv hais txog kev cog thiab kev saib xyuas

Dab Ntxwg Nyoog Tus nplaig: Txhua yam koj yuav tsum paub txog cov tuber kab txawv

Dab Ntxwg Nyoog Tus nplaig: Txhua yam koj yuav tsum paub txog cov tuber kab txawv

Dab Ntxwg Nyoog Tus nplaig - Yuav ua li cas siv konjac hauv paus kom poob phaus ✓ Tag nrho cov lus cog thiab kev saib xyuas rau dab ntxwg nyoog tus nplaig ua tsev cog

Cov pob kws qab zib hauv lub vaj: cov lus qhia rau kev cog qoob loo thiab kev saib xyuas

Cov pob kws qab zib hauv lub vaj: cov lus qhia rau kev cog qoob loo thiab kev saib xyuas

Pob kws qab zib - cog pob kws qab zib ✓ Npaj cov av thiab nyiam pob kws qab zib ✓ Npaj pob kws qab zib qab qab ✓ Txhua yam ntaub ntawv hais txog cov nroj tsuag thiab kev saib xyuas

Tulip magnolia: kev loj hlob, paj, kev saib xyuas thiab ntau yam

Tulip magnolia: kev loj hlob, paj, kev saib xyuas thiab ntau yam

Tulip magnolia - Txiav thiab tu raws li tsob ntoo lossis tsob ntoo ✓ Qhov chaw ✓ Lub caij ntuj no hardiness ✓ Tag nrho cov ntaub ntawv hais txog Magnolia × soulangeana

Silver birch: profile, kev saib xyuas, txiav & kab mob

Silver birch: profile, kev saib xyuas, txiav & kab mob

Silver birch - nplooj, txiv hmab txiv ntoo thiab paj ✓ Siv, ntau yam thiab kab mob ✓ Txiav thiab saib xyuas cov nyiaj birch

Blue Spruce: Txhua yam koj yuav tsum paub txog tsob ntoo Christmas

Blue Spruce: Txhua yam koj yuav tsum paub txog tsob ntoo Christmas

Blue spruce - Loj hlob hauv lub lauj kaub ✓ Khaws zoo li tsob ntoo Christmas ✓Blue spruce lossis fir? ✓ Cov lus qhia tseem ceeb tshaj plaws ntawm kev saib xyuas

Laj kab bindweed hauv vaj: tswv yim rau kev siv thiab tswj

Laj kab bindweed hauv vaj: tswv yim rau kev siv thiab tswj

Laj kab bindweed - Yuav ua li cas tua cov nroj ✓ Puas yog laj kab bindweed lom? ✓ Yuav cog thiab tu cov nroj tsuag li cas

Tsim Benje hedge: cov lus qhia thiab cov lus qhia muaj txiaj ntsig

Tsim Benje hedge: cov lus qhia thiab cov lus qhia muaj txiaj ntsig

Tsim Benje hedge ✓ Ntsuab thiab cog Benje hedge ✓ Qhov zoo thiab cov tsiaj ✓ Khaws qhov deb ntawm koj cov neeg nyob ze

Yuav ua li cas tu Medinilla kom zoo: cov lus qhia ua ntu zus

Yuav ua li cas tu Medinilla kom zoo: cov lus qhia ua ntu zus

Medinilla - Puas yog Medinilla lom? ✓ Yuav ua li cas thaum Medinilla ploj lawm? ✓ Cov lus qhia saib xyuas zoo tshaj plaws rau Medinilla

Black Pine: Profile, Care, Loj hlob & Siv

Black Pine: Profile, Care, Loj hlob & Siv

Dub ntoo thuv - kev loj hlob, cones thiab keeb kwm ✓ Dub ntoo thuv thiab txiav ✓ Tag nrho cov ntaub ntawv hais txog lub conifer Pinus nigra

Cog thiab saib xyuas Calamondin: Qhov no yog qhov ua tau zoo

Cog thiab saib xyuas Calamondin: Qhov no yog qhov ua tau zoo

Calamondin - Puas yog cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo noj tau? ✓ Cas yuav calamondin overwintered? ✓ Cov lus qhia cog thiab tu zoo tshaj plaws rau tsob ntoo citrus

Elephant Ear Plant: Tips for Care & Zoo nkauj ntau yam

Elephant Ear Plant: Tips for Care & Zoo nkauj ntau yam

Elephant ear - paj ntawm ntxhw pob ntseg ✓ Multiply and overwinter alocasia ✓ daws teeb meem ✓ Txhua yam ntaub ntawv hais txog kev cog thiab kev saib xyuas

Cog mustard hauv koj lub vaj: Nov yog qhov nws ua haujlwm

Cog mustard hauv koj lub vaj: Nov yog qhov nws ua haujlwm

Mustard plant - flowering time ✓ Cov nroj tsuag mustard zoo li cas? ✓ Qhov txawv ntawm rapeseed ✓ Tag nrho cov ntaub ntawv hais txog cov paj daj

Bloodcurrant: Kev saib xyuas, cog & ntau yam ntawm ib nrais muag

Bloodcurrant: Kev saib xyuas, cog & ntau yam ntawm ib nrais muag

Bloodcurrant - Cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo puas lom lossis noj tau? ✓ Txiav thiab nthuav cov ntshav currants ✓ Tag nrho cov lus qhia cog thiab tu

Loj hlob thiab txaus siab rau cov txiv ntoo qab zib: Koj yuav tsum xav txog dab tsi?

Loj hlob thiab txaus siab rau cov txiv ntoo qab zib: Koj yuav tsum xav txog dab tsi?

Cov txiv ntoo qab zib - paj, txiv hmab txiv ntoo thiab nplooj ✓ Khoom noj khoom haus thiab kev siv ✓ Sib txawv rau nees chestnut ✓ Txhua yam ntaub ntawv hais txog kev cog thiab kev saib xyuas

Cog thiab tu cov qos yaj ywm roses: Nov yog nws ua haujlwm li cas

Cog thiab tu cov qos yaj ywm roses: Nov yog nws ua haujlwm li cas

Qos yaj ywm - txiav thiab propagating ✓ Cog nyob rau hauv ib lub thoob ✓ Siv cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo ✓ Tag nrho cov lus qhia txog kev cog thiab tu (txiv rose)

Kev tu cov nyom kom zoo: Cov lus qhia rau lub txaj thiab ntim

Kev tu cov nyom kom zoo: Cov lus qhia rau lub txaj thiab ntim

Switchgrass - Cov ntau yam zoo nkauj tshaj plaws ✓ Loj hlob hauv lub thoob ✓ Cov hauv paus barrier tsim nyog? ✓ Tag nrho cov lus qhia txog kev txiav thiab tu

Sau koj tus kheej pistachios: Nov yog qhov nws ua haujlwm nrog tsob ntoo pistachio

Sau koj tus kheej pistachios: Nov yog qhov nws ua haujlwm nrog tsob ntoo pistachio

Pistachio ntoo - Qhov twg pistachios loj hlob? ✓ Khaws tsob ntoo pistachio hauv koj chav tsev ✓ Yuav cog tsob ntoo hauv vaj lossis hauv lub lauj kaub li cas

Gardenia as a potted plant: ntxhiab, flowering time & care tips

Gardenia as a potted plant: ntxhiab, flowering time & care tips

Gardenia - lub caij ntuj no hardiness ✓ Kev saib xyuas, propagating thiab overwintering gardenias ✓ Qhov chaw zoo ✓ Tag nrho cov ntaub ntawv hais txog cog thiab tu lawv

Flax hauv lub vaj: cog, tu thiab siv tswv yim

Flax hauv lub vaj: cog, tu thiab siv tswv yim

Flax - paj, noob thiab nplooj ✓ Sowing nyob rau hauv txaj thiab nyob rau hauv lub thoob ✓ Tag nrho cov lus qhia txog kev cog qoob loo, tu thiab sau

Adonis florets: 5 hom zoo nkauj tshaj plaws & cov lus qhia saib xyuas ib nrais muag

Adonis florets: 5 hom zoo nkauj tshaj plaws & cov lus qhia saib xyuas ib nrais muag

Adonis Roses - Thaum twg yog lub sijhawm paj hauv Lebus? ✓ Ntau hom ✓ Txhua yam ntaub ntawv hais txog kev cog thiab tu

Dawb clover yog cov nroj tsuag tshuaj thiab muaj txiaj ntsig zoo hauv koj lub vaj

Dawb clover yog cov nroj tsuag tshuaj thiab muaj txiaj ntsig zoo hauv koj lub vaj

Dawb clover - tua thiab tshem tawm raws li ib tug nroj tsuag nyob rau hauv cov nyom ✓ Cov clover dawb nyob rau hauv profile ✓ tseb thiab siv

Native Braunelle: Kev zoo nkauj thiab kho lub zog hauv lub vaj ntuj

Native Braunelle: Kev zoo nkauj thiab kho lub zog hauv lub vaj ntuj

Braunelle - Sib ntaus sib tua hauv cov nyom ✓ Cov paj me thiab loj Braunelle hauv qhov profile ✓ Txhua yam ntaub ntawv hais txog kev cog thiab kev saib xyuas

Ntshav paj: kev saib xyuas, wintering thiab propagation tau yooj yim

Ntshav paj: kev saib xyuas, wintering thiab propagation tau yooj yim

Ntshav paj - overwinter thiab multiply ✓ Fertilize ntshav paj nrog kas fes av ✓ Tag nrho cov lus qhia txog kev cog thiab kev saib xyuas

Txiv qaub thyme: Txhua yam txog kev saib xyuas, qhov chaw thiab siv

Txiv qaub thyme: Txhua yam txog kev saib xyuas, qhov chaw thiab siv

Txiv qaub thyme - lub caij ntuj no hardiness thiab siv ✓ Paj, nplooj thiab noob ✓ Txhua yam lus qhia txog kev saib xyuas, txiav thiab nthuav tawm

Lub caij ntuj sov linden tsob ntoo hauv lub vaj: Txhua yam hais txog qhov chaw, kev saib xyuas thiab ntau yam

Lub caij ntuj sov linden tsob ntoo hauv lub vaj: Txhua yam hais txog qhov chaw, kev saib xyuas thiab ntau yam

Lub caij ntuj sov linden tsob ntoo - nplooj, paj thiab txiv hmab txiv ntoo ✓ Qhov txawv ntawm lub caij ntuj sov linden ntoo thiab lub caij ntuj no linden ntoo ✓ Txhua yam kev cog thiab saib xyuas

Kev tu kom zoo rau columnar cactus: tswv yim & tricks

Kev tu kom zoo rau columnar cactus: tswv yim & tricks

Kumnar cactus - propagate, repot thiab shorten ✓ Hom thiab paj ✓ Tag nrho cov ntaub ntawv hais txog kev cog thiab tu rau Cereus hom

Croton txuj ci tseem ceeb hav txwv yeem: Kuv yuav ua li cas kho qhov chaw thiab tu?

Croton txuj ci tseem ceeb hav txwv yeem: Kuv yuav ua li cas kho qhov chaw thiab tu?

Croton - cog, tu thiab propagation ✓ Croton poob nplooj ✓ Cov txuj ci tseem ceeb shrub nplooj nplooj poob ✓ Tag nrho cov ntaub ntawv hais txog kev saib xyuas

Txhua yam hais txog tus kab mob: cov lus qhia rau kev yuav khoom thiab kev saib xyuas

Txhua yam hais txog tus kab mob: cov lus qhia rau kev yuav khoom thiab kev saib xyuas

Sickle fir - kev loj hlob ✓ Qhov chaw, cog thiab kev saib xyuas ✓ Tag nrho cov ntaub ntawv hais txog Japanese sickle fir

Cov ntoo qhib: Txhua yam koj yuav tsum paub txog tsob ntoo me me hauv daim duab

Cov ntoo qhib: Txhua yam koj yuav tsum paub txog tsob ntoo me me hauv daim duab

Kem oak - txiav ✓ Loj hlob raws li tus qauv ntoo ✓ cag thiab nplooj ntawm cov ntoo qhib pyramid ✓ Tag nrho cov lus qhia txog kev cog thiab kev saib xyuas

Meadow sage: flowering, care and interesting facts

Meadow sage: flowering, care and interesting facts

Meadow sage - profile ✓ Puas yog meadow sage edible? ✓ Siv thiab tseb ✓ Txhua yam ntaub ntawv hais txog kev cog thiab tu

Tshuaj ntsuab tsis txawj tuag: Txhua yam koj yuav tsum paub thiab saib xyuas cov lus qhia

Tshuaj ntsuab tsis txawj tuag: Txhua yam koj yuav tsum paub thiab saib xyuas cov lus qhia

Tshuaj ntsuab tsis txawj tuag - Cov nyhuv ntawm Jiaogulan tshuaj yej ✓ Qhov chaw thiab lub caij ntuj no hardiness ✓ Tag nrho cov ntaub ntawv hais txog kev cog thiab tu cov tshuaj ntsuab uas tsis txawj tuag