Nroj tsuag 2024, Cuaj hlis

Dej chives kom raug: Tswv yim rau cov nroj tsuag noj qab haus huv

Dej chives kom raug: Tswv yim rau cov nroj tsuag noj qab haus huv

Kev ywg dej kom zoo yog qhov tseem ceeb rau kev loj hlob zoo. Chives zoo li nws ntub dej & yuav tsum tsis txhob qhuav tawm, tab sis lawv tsis tuaj yeem tiv taus dej

Khaws chives: tswv yim & tswv yim

Khaws chives: tswv yim & tswv yim

Chives khaws cia tsis tau ntev & yuav tsum ua kom sai. Tab sis koj tuaj yeem khaws chives! Nyeem nws ua haujlwm li cas

Siv chive buds: Nws ua haujlwm li cas? Cov tswv yim muaj tswv yim

Siv chive buds: Nws ua haujlwm li cas? Cov tswv yim muaj tswv yim

Lub kaw ruaj ruaj ntawm cov paj ntoo uas tuaj yeem ua tau marinated hauv ntsev thiab vinegar zoo li capers. Ntawm no koj yuav pom cov lus qhia ua rau nws

Kab mob Chiv: Paub, tiv thaiv thiab kho

Kab mob Chiv: Paub, tiv thaiv thiab kho

Chives tsis tshua muaj kev cuam tshuam los ntawm cov kab mob lossis kab tsuag, tab sis yuav tsum tau kho cov organic. Nyeem ntawm no seb yuav ua li cas thiab thaum twg

Ntsuag ntawm chives? Txoj kev tswj tau zoo

Ntsuag ntawm chives? Txoj kev tswj tau zoo

Chives tsis tshua raug tua los ntawm aphids thiab lwm yam nroj tsuag ntshauv. Nyeem ntawm no yuav ua li cas yog tias koj cov chives tau txais qhua

Yellow nplooj ntawm chives: yuav ua li cas thiab yuav ua li cas tiv thaiv nws?

Yellow nplooj ntawm chives: yuav ua li cas thiab yuav ua li cas tiv thaiv nws?

Yog tias chives tig daj, tuaj yeem muaj ntau yam laj thawj. Tshawb nrhiav ntawm no yuav ua li cas thiaj li txuag tau cov chives

Ntau yam chives: Yam twg yog rau koj?

Ntau yam chives: Yam twg yog rau koj?

Allium tsev neeg loj heev. Muaj ntau ntau hom chives thiab leeks. Ntawm no koj yuav pom cov ntsiab lus ntawm cov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws

Mallow: Sowing rau lub caij ua tiav paj

Mallow: Sowing rau lub caij ua tiav paj

Thaum twg yog lub sijhawm sow mallow? Cov noob tau cog li cas thiab thaum twg thiab qhov twg lawv cog?

Mallow paj: kev zoo nkauj thiab txiaj ntsig hauv koj lub vaj

Mallow paj: kev zoo nkauj thiab txiaj ntsig hauv koj lub vaj

Mallow paj tsis zoo nkauj xwb. Tshawb nrhiav ntawm no dab tsi ua rau lawv sib nrug thiab koj tuaj yeem siv cov paj rau dab tsi

Cov nyom zoo meej rau lub caij nplooj ntoo hlav: cov lus qhia ua ntu zus

Cov nyom zoo meej rau lub caij nplooj ntoo hlav: cov lus qhia ua ntu zus

Nrog rau qhov kev saib xyuas no, koj cov nyom yuav pib caij nplooj ntoos hlav zoo tshaj plaws. Nyeem ntawm no yog dab tsi tseem ceeb hauv kev saib xyuas cov nyom nyom tom qab lub caij ntuj no

Kev saib xyuas lawn zoo meej rau lub caij nplooj zeeg - ntawm no yog yuav ua li cas ua piv txwv

Kev saib xyuas lawn zoo meej rau lub caij nplooj zeeg - ntawm no yog yuav ua li cas ua piv txwv

Kev saib xyuas cov nyom no tseem ceeb thaum lub caij nplooj zeeg. Yuav ua li cas fertilize, txiv qaub thiab mow koj cov nyom kom zoo ua ntej lub caij ntuj no

Kev saib xyuas mallows: Nov yog qhov koj txiav lawv rov qab ua haujlwm

Kev saib xyuas mallows: Nov yog qhov koj txiav lawv rov qab ua haujlwm

Koj yuav tsum txiav mallows txhua txhua hnub. Nyeem ntawm no cov hom twg yuav tsum tau txiav thiab yuav ua li cas

Sorrel lossis Aaron's Rod? Nov yog qhov lawv txawv

Sorrel lossis Aaron's Rod? Nov yog qhov lawv txawv

Nws yog ib qho ua tau kom tsis meej pem lub sorrel tsis yog nrog rau lwm hom sorrel, tab sis kuj nrog cov tshuaj lom Aaron tus pas

Sorrel: Hom tsiaj twg noj tau thiab nyab xeeb?

Sorrel: Hom tsiaj twg noj tau thiab nyab xeeb?

Lub sorrel, nrog rau ntau tshaj 200 lwm hom, belongs rau tsev neeg dock, uas tshwm sim nyob rau hauv ntau yam faib nyob rau hauv ntau lub teb chaws

Qhov chaw zoo meej rau sorrel

Qhov chaw zoo meej rau sorrel

Lub sorrel nyiam qhov chaw nyob hauv lub hnub, tab sis cov nplooj me me nyob rau hauv ib qho chaw ntxoov ntxoo zoo dua rau kev noj

Cog sorrel: cov lus qhia rau koj lub vaj

Cog sorrel: cov lus qhia rau koj lub vaj

Thaum cog sorrel, xaiv qhov chaw nyob rau hauv ib qho chaw tshav ntuj nrog nruab nrab-hnyav av thiab txaus noo noo

Delicious recipes with sorrel: nrhiav delicacies

Delicious recipes with sorrel: nrhiav delicacies

Thaum noj sorrel, koj tuaj yeem noj cov nplooj nyoos lossis siv lawv ua zaub mov ntau yam

Sorrel nyob rau hauv tag nrho Bloom: txheeb xyuas cov yam ntxwv & lub ntsiab lus

Sorrel nyob rau hauv tag nrho Bloom: txheeb xyuas cov yam ntxwv & lub ntsiab lus

Nrog sorrel, paj tshwm nyob rau hauv daim ntawv ntawm ntsuab thiab tom qab reddish panicles ntawm stems ntev. Kawm seb cov xim qhia li cas

Sorrel lub caij: Thaum twg yog lub sijhawm zoo tshaj plaws los sau?

Sorrel lub caij: Thaum twg yog lub sijhawm zoo tshaj plaws los sau?

Lub caij tseem ceeb tshaj plaws rau kev sau qoob loo yog lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav, vim tias cov ntsiab lus oxalic acid nce los ntawm kev tawg mus rau tom ntej. Nyeem ntxiv ntawm no

Gypsophila hardy: Nov yog qhov koj tiv thaiv kom zoo thaum lub caij ntuj no

Gypsophila hardy: Nov yog qhov koj tiv thaiv kom zoo thaum lub caij ntuj no

Koj puas muaj gypsophila hauv koj lub vaj thiab xav paub yuav ua li cas kom tau txais lub caij ntuj no? Ntawm no koj yuav pom cov lus qhia tseem ceeb tshaj plaws rau kev saib xyuas lub caij ntuj no

Kev saib xyuas lawn: 10 lub tswv yim zoo tshaj plaws rau cov nyom ntsuab

Kev saib xyuas lawn: 10 lub tswv yim zoo tshaj plaws rau cov nyom ntsuab

Nyeem 10 lub tswv yim zoo tshaj plaws rau kev tu nyom zoo meej ntawm no. Yuav ua li cas tu thiab ua haujlwm ntawm koj cov nyom tsis yog qhov zais cia

Gypsophila hauv lub lauj kaub: Cov lus qhia zoo tshaj plaws rau paj lush

Gypsophila hauv lub lauj kaub: Cov lus qhia zoo tshaj plaws rau paj lush

Koj puas xav cog gypsophila hauv lauj kaub? Ntawm no koj yuav pom tias nws ua haujlwm li cas thiab qhov koj yuav tsum tau them sai sai rau

Liming cov nyom kom raug: 10 lub tswv yim zoo tshaj plaws rau cov neeg nyiam ua vaj

Liming cov nyom kom raug: 10 lub tswv yim zoo tshaj plaws rau cov neeg nyiam ua vaj

Peb 10 lub tswv yim zoo tshaj plaws qhia txog yuav ua li cas kom txiv qaub koj cov nyom. Nyeem ntawm no thaum twg thiab yuav ua li cas cov nyom tau txais txiaj ntsig los ntawm vaj txiv qaub

Reseeding the lawn: Yuav ua li cas kom tau zoo zoo reseeding

Reseeding the lawn: Yuav ua li cas kom tau zoo zoo reseeding

Qhov no yog li cas reseeding kaw qhov khoob hauv cov nyom. Ib daim ntawv qhia zoo rau kev kho nyom los ntawm kev rov ua dua nrog cov lus qhia txog thaum twg thiab yuav ua li cas

Mulching cov nyom: yuav ua li cas thiab vim li cas nws thiaj li nkag siab

Mulching cov nyom: yuav ua li cas thiab vim li cas nws thiaj li nkag siab

Mulching koj cov nyom kom noj qab nyob zoo. Peb yuav qhia koj kom ntxaws txhua yam koj yuav tsum xav txog thaum nws los txog rau mulching koj cov nyom

Sib ntaus sib tua sorrel: Txoj kev siv tau & cov lus qhia

Sib ntaus sib tua sorrel: Txoj kev siv tau & cov lus qhia

Yog hais tias sorrel tau tawm ntawm tes rau hauv cov nyom lossis lub txaj vaj, koj tuaj yeem tua nws nrog kev siv zog me ntsis thiab ua siab ntev

Sau qoob loo kom nyab xeeb thiab txaus siab rau cov zaub mov qab

Sau qoob loo kom nyab xeeb thiab txaus siab rau cov zaub mov qab

Thaum sau sorrel, nplooj ntsuab, uas yooj yim rau zam, yuav tsum nyiam tshaj cov nplooj liab. Nyeem ntxiv txog kev sau qoob loo ntawm no

Kev saib xyuas sorrel: cov lus qhia rau kev loj hlob, sau thiab lub caij ntuj no

Kev saib xyuas sorrel: cov lus qhia rau kev loj hlob, sau thiab lub caij ntuj no

Kev saib xyuas sorrel tsis xav tau ntau yog tias nws nyob hauv qhov chaw uas muaj lub teeb txaus thiab noo

Sorrel nyob rau hauv cov nyom: yuav ua li cas kuv tshem nws kom raug?

Sorrel nyob rau hauv cov nyom: yuav ua li cas kuv tshem nws kom raug?

Ib zaug sorrel tau kis hauv cov nyom, sib nrug los ntawm cov tshuaj, tib txoj kev cog lus los tawm tsam nws yog txiav tawm cov hauv paus hniav

Sanding lawns: vim li cas, thaum twg thiab yuav ua li cas kom raug

Sanding lawns: vim li cas, thaum twg thiab yuav ua li cas kom raug

Yuav ua li cas xuab zeb zoo li tus kws tshaj lij. Tshawb nrhiav ntawm no yuav ua li cas quartz xuab zeb coj tawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws hauv koj cov nyom

Fertilizing cov nyom: 10 lub tswv yim zoo tshaj plaws rau cov nyom noj qab haus huv

Fertilizing cov nyom: 10 lub tswv yim zoo tshaj plaws rau cov nyom noj qab haus huv

Nyeem 10 lub tswv yim zoo tshaj plaws rau kev cog qoob loo ntawm no. Cov ntaub ntawv qhia txog thaum twg thiab yuav ua li cas kom fertilize koj cov nyom

Qhov hauv cov nyom: Kuv yuav txheeb xyuas tus neeg ua txhaum li cas?

Qhov hauv cov nyom: Kuv yuav txheeb xyuas tus neeg ua txhaum li cas?

Xav paub ntau ntxiv txog qhov ua tau thiab tiv thaiv cov qhov hauv cov nyom ntawm no. Kuj nyeem vim li cas qhov qhov hauv cov nyom qee zaum muaj txiaj ntsig

Liming cov nyom: Thaum twg thiab yuav ua li cas rau cov ntaub pua plag nyom

Liming cov nyom: Thaum twg thiab yuav ua li cas rau cov ntaub pua plag nyom

Tsis txhob xav tias thaum twg yuav txiv qaub koj cov nyom. Ntawm no koj yuav tau txais cov lus teb tau zoo, peppered nrog cov lus qhia muaj txiaj ntsig

Aerating cov nyom: Vim li cas nws tseem ceeb thiab nws ua haujlwm li cas

Aerating cov nyom: Vim li cas nws tseem ceeb thiab nws ua haujlwm li cas

Aerating a compacted lawn coj lub neej rov qab los. Ntawm no koj yuav pom cov lus qhia tsim nyog rau aerating compressed lawns

Tsim cov nyom lus Askiv: Yuav tsum muaj & cov lus qhia saib xyuas

Tsim cov nyom lus Askiv: Yuav tsum muaj & cov lus qhia saib xyuas

Kev tseb thiab tu cov nyom lus Askiv tsis yog qhov nyuaj. Ntawm no koj yuav pom cov lus qhia rau kev coj noj coj ua zoo meej

Txiav nyom ntug zoo kawg nkaus: khoom, tswv yim & tswv yim

Txiav nyom ntug zoo kawg nkaus: khoom, tswv yim & tswv yim

Cov npoo nyom yuav tsum tau muab txiav tsis tu ncua kom cov nyom saib zoo-groomed. Cov cuab yeej twg yuav pab koj txiav

Cov tswv yim zoo rau kev tsim cov nyom ntug

Cov tswv yim zoo rau kev tsim cov nyom ntug

Kev saib xyuas nyom yog siv sijhawm ntau yam tsis muaj nyom nyom. Cov nyom tuaj yeem khaws cia hauv daim tshev nrog edging ua los ntawm pob zeb, hlau lossis yas

Lawn edges and paj txaj edging: Creative idea and tips

Lawn edges and paj txaj edging: Creative idea and tips

Txhawm rau tiv thaiv cov nyom kom tsis txhob kis mus rau lub txaj, tsim cov nyom nyom thiab ciam teb txaj pab. Cov lus qhia rau lawn edging

Trimming lawn edges: Nov yog qhov koj ua tiav ntug zoo meej

Trimming lawn edges: Nov yog qhov koj ua tiav ntug zoo meej

Cov npoo nyom yuav tsum tau muab txiav tsis tu ncua. Yuav ua li cas kom raug thiab yuav ua li cas kom koj txoj hauj lwm yooj yim dua

Kev txawj txiav nyom edging pob zeb: cov lus qhia meej

Kev txawj txiav nyom edging pob zeb: cov lus qhia meej

Lawn edging pob zeb feem ntau yuav tsum tau txiav rau qhov loj me. Kawm ib kauj ruam yog kauj ruam yuav ua li cas thiab nrog dab tsi txiav nyom edging pob zeb